
Markets Likely to Shrug Off Israel-Hamas Conflict Unless It Spreads


Markets Likely to Shrug Off Israel-Hamas Conflict Unless It Spreads Dryden Pence, Chief Investment Officer at Pence Capital, discusses how the conflict between Israel and Hamas will affect U.S. investors and the opportunities in the Energy and Defense sectors driven by demand and backlogs. (Source:  Yahoo Finance) 10/10/2023 Disclosure: Pence Capital Management, LLC (“PCM”) is an investment adviser registered with the State of California that provides institutional level portfolio consultancy services to certain Unit Investment Trust (UIT) product sponsors, as well as, asset management model development offered through LPL Financial LLC’s (“LPL Financial'') Manager Select program. [...]

Markets Likely to Shrug Off Israel-Hamas Conflict Unless It Spreads2023-10-11T12:56:32-07:00

Healthcare, Defense, Energy Stocks Look Appealing


Healthcare, Defense, Energy Stocks Look Appealing Pence Capital Management Chief Investment Officer Dryden Pence said healthcare, defense, and energy stocks worth investing during this uncertain time in the economy. (Source: Reuters TV) 04/12/2023 Disclosure: Pence Capital Management, LLC (“PCM”) is an investment adviser registered with the State of California that provides institutional level portfolio consultancy services to certain Unit Investment Trust (UIT) product sponsors, as well as, asset management model development offered through LPL Financial LLC’s (“LPL Financial'') Manager Select program. PCM’s Chief Investment Officer is Dryden Pence. Dryden Pence is a registered representative with and [...]

Healthcare, Defense, Energy Stocks Look Appealing2023-06-08T10:59:11-07:00